REVIEW: Fenty Beauty Pro Filt'r Matte Foundation

Fenty Beauty Pro Filt'r Foundation
Hey there! I'ts review time! You may or may not know, that I have combo skin with a super oily T-zone, I've also been living in a really dry place, so that doesn't do any favours to my skin. I usually struggle to find a foundation or BB cream that can tackle those issues, which is why I'm always trying new ones. I've heard some nice opinions about this one, so I decided to give it a shot.

First things first, packaging. The packaging is sleek, minimalistic and elegant, which I liked a lot. It features a pump, great for hygienic application. It is a bit heavily scented, but I like the smell of it, reminds me of praline.

I got mine in the shade 170, which has a slighly cool undertone. I chose this on purpose because I have some yellow undertone areas on my face and this way I could colour correct them without any extra products. I've now tried the foundation with 3 different primers, and they did change the behaviour and results, if not dramatically, it was enough for me to notice it. I always apply it with a damp Real Techniques Sponge.

The first time I wore it, I wore it with Benefit's PoreFessional. I think this primer was the one that had the least effect on the foundation's wear time and appearance. The foundation has a very veeeeeery matte finish and it lasted for about 7 hours before requiring any touch ups.  I didn't do said touch ups with extra foundation, I only used my Beauty Credit Lovely Two Way Cake Matt powder and it worked like a charm. 
One thing I did notice, is that it can accentuate the skin's texture, even though I wore it with a pore primer, but not in an extremely noticeable way or anything, and it can be easily fixed with some face mist.

The second time, I wore it with Etude House's Face Blur. This is actually the second best result I got. Face Blur is on the hydrating side of things, and I think it might have counteracted the extreme matte-ness of the foundation a bit, making it a tad less drying, hence stopping it from accentuating skin texture. However, it did get oily a lot faster with this primer.

The third time was the ultimate winning combo. I tried it with Milani's Mattyfying Prime Shield. This primer has long been known to be a dupe for Smashbox's Photo Finish Primer, and with me, it has lived up to its reputation for most of the foundations I've tried. With this one, the oiliness kept to a minimum and I didn't have the texture issue I mentioned before, lasting practically 8 hours without touch ups. 

So, final thoughts. This foundation is very very matte, so if you have dry skin, you should reconsider buying it unless you intend to wear it with an extremely hydrating primer, cause otherwise I think it will be an absolute no-no for you. The weartime is actually pretty nice and decent, but I did feel it was a bit too heavy coverage-wise, so I mostly save it for special occasions or when I know I'll be exposed to extreme heat/sweat conditions. I nonetheless love it and I know it'll become a permanent addition to my foundation collection.

5/5 teacups

Haul and Review: Rude Cosmetics

I've recently been dealing with a lot of issues and my consolation is... buying makeup LOL. 
I'll try to make detailed reviews of all the items I've bought, so let's jump in, I'll show you what I've got and my first impressions if available.

Haul 1: Rude Cosmetics

 I haven't heard from this brand before this purchase. I got the Undaunted Blush Palette,two Notorious Liquid Lip lippies in Bad to the Bone and Obscene Gesture, and the Crime Does Pay Nude Collection.

Now, I've been wearing these regularly and I've finally reached a veredict. I'll go item by item

The Undaunted Blush Palette:
First of all, the colours were WAY more intense IRL than how they look on the website. Some looked almost neon, which is something that immediately grabbed my attention in a negative way.
They are EXTREMELY pigmented, but the blendability isn't the best, they tend to grab a little. However, I found that when applied with a fan brush, the results are decent and they are pretty long lasting. The packaging is nice and simple.  

3/5 Teacups

 Crime Does Pay Nude Collection:

I have to say, that this is probably one of the BEST liquid lipstick formulas I've ever encountered. It lasts long, doesn't build up nastily like some other formulas I've tried (looking at you, Colourpop), it's not too drying but it's still absolutely transfer proof. My issue with these were the colours. They aren't really nude at all, for the most part. Most have these super bright pigmentation that doesn't really favour me. If the colours were a bit muted, they'd be perfection. Also, the packaging is absolutely gorgeous, I loved it.

 4/5 Teacups

Notorious Liquid Lip Color

Same situation with Obscene Gesture, it's a little bit too bright for my taste, Bad to the Bone on the other hand is a beautiful shade, but it turns out it doesn't suit me too much since it's too ashy for my skintone. However, I do reach out for both at times because like I said, the formula is killer!

 4/5 Teacups

My current skincare routine: January 2018 // Rutina skincare Enero 2018

Hello there! Today we'll be reviewing my current skincare routine. My routine is never the same, it changes a LOT since I love trying new products and will rarely stick to one specific product for a prolonged time unless I really really reaaally like it. It also depends on how my skin is feeling, the time of the year, etc. I won't be mentioning anything regarding my cleansing routine since that topic has material for a complete entry on its own, so we'll stick to skincare for the time being.

¡Hola a todos! El día de hoy les comparto mi rutina de cuidado de la piel actual. Mi rutina cambia DEMASIADO ya que me encanta probar nuevos productos y difícilmente me quedo con un producto por mucho tiempo a menos que de verdad me encante. También depende de como sienta mi piel, la época del año, etc. No mencionaré nada acerca de mi rutina de limpieza ya que por si sola esa tiene material para una entrada completa, entonces nos limitaremos a cuidado de la piel por ahora.
Kbeauty skincare haul

These are the products I use regularly for my daytime and nighttime routine, adding some sheet masks every now and then. They're listed on the order I apply them.
Estos son los productos que uso tanto para rutina nocturna como diurna, añadiendo algunas sheet mask ocasionales. Están listados en el orden en que los aplico.

Etude House WonderPore Freshner (Day/Night): This is one of the few products I've repurchased for the third time now. It's the first thing I apply after my cleansing routine and I pat it over my face with a cotton pad. I adore it because it leaves my skin feeling like glass. Exactly like glass. I'm not even joking, ever since I started wearing it, it feels EXTREMELY soft. On the downside, it's not as good as it claims at keeping your pores unclogged, but it doesn't do a bad job there either, so this is still one of my top products.
Etude House WonderPore Freshner (Día/Noche): Este es uno de los pocos productos que comprado por tercera vez. Es lo primero que aplico posterior a mi limpieza y lo pongo utilizando una torunda de algodón. Lo adoro porque deja mi piel suave como cristal. Exactamente como cristal. No bromeo, desde que comencé a utilizarla, mi piel se siente EXTREMADAMENTE suave. Por otro lado, no es tan bueno como anuncia en cuanto a mantener los poros descongestionados, pero tampoco hace un mal trabajo en ese sentido, entonces es sin duda uno de mis productos favoritos. 

Prreti Watery Barrier Essence (Day/Night): This is a mild algae and collagen based essence. I got my hands on it as an emergency purchase when the parcel with my second bottle of the Secret Key's 24K Gold Premium Essence was lost by the post company. I basically chose it because it was pretty affordable, and I actually liked it a lot, a second bottle is even on the way because this one is already halfway down. I apply it with my bare hands and press them against my face to help it absorb. 
Prreti Watery Barrier Essence (Day/Night): Esta es una suave esencia de colágeno y algas marinas. La obtuve como compra de emergencia cuando el paquete con mi segunda botella de la esencia 24K Gold Premium de Secret Key fue extraviada por la compañia de correos. Básicamente la elegí porque estaba a un buen precio, y en realidad me gustó bastante, una segunda botella ya viene en camino de hecho, ya que esta ya va a la mitad. La aplico utilizando mis manos y siempre las presiono un poco contra mi rostro para ayudar a la absorción. 

Prreti Berry White Serum (Day/Night): I decided to give this serum a chance, in case it turned out to be as good as their Essence. It features a berry concentrate as a moisture agent, niacinamide as a whitening agent, and adenosine as an anti-wrinkle agent. It's supposed to also be good diminishing nasolabial crease wrinkles, but I personally haven't tried that. My dark circles have indeed softened since I started wearing it and it does a nice job moisturising my eyelids. 
Prreti Berry White Serum (Dia/Noche): Decidí darle a este serum una oportunidad para ver si resultaba tan bueno como la esencia. Está elaborado con un concentrado de moras para hidratación, niacinamida como agente blanqueador y adenosina como agente anti arrugas. Se supone que también ayuda a eliminar las arrugas en el area nasolabial, pero sinceramente no lo he probado en esa zona. Mis ojeras sin embargo si están menos marcadas desde que lo utilizo e hidrata bien mis párpados. 

Farm Stay Snail Mucus Moisture Cream (Day): I bought this cream specifically for winter, since I regularly prefer gel based moisturisers, but my skin goes dreadfully flaky during cold weather and this one seemed like a nice choice. The main ingredient is snail mucus, which is also an awesome anti wrinkle agent. I don't apply too much of it. A little goes a long way!  
Farm Stay Snail Mucus Moisture Cream (Día): Compré esta crema específcamente para el invierno, ya que regularmente prefiero hidratantes en gel, pero mi piel se descama terrible con el frío y esta pareció una buena opción. El ingrediente principal es baba de caracol, que además es un anti arrugas increíble. No aplico demasiada. Un poquito rinde bien. 

Mizon Good Night White Sleeping Mask (Night): I bought this sleeping pack for winter after reading insanely good reviews about it, feeling a bit skeptic. Usually if something sounds too good to be true, it's cause it isn't, but boy, is this mask good! It leaves my skin feeling plump and soft while never leaving it greasy or breaking me out. A consummate winter time favourite, no question. 
Mizon Good Night White Sleeping Mask (Noche): Compré esta mascarilla nocturna para el invierno después de leer algunas opiniones obscenamente buenas sobre ella, con un tanto de escepticismo. Generalmente, si algo suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, no lo es, pero vaya que es buena esta mascarilla. Deja mi piel lozana e hidratada sin dejar sensación grasosa o causarme granitos. En definitiva, de mis favoritos invernales.  

Care:Nel Lip Sleeping Mask (Night): I used to be rather neglectful with my lips, but since I've been wearing matte long lasting lippies for months, my lips had started to resent it and I needed to take measures. This lip sleeping mask is advertised as a dupe for Laneige's lip sleeping mask, featuring a similar package and components. I have tried Laneige's mask before and I've gotten basically the same results. However, this one doesn't have a spatula applicator, which makes it a little less hygienic.
Care:Nel Lip Sleeping Mask (Noche): Solía ser bastante descuidada con mis labios, pero después de meses de utilizar labiales indelebles mate, mis labios empezaron a resentir los efectos y tuve que tomar medidas. Esta mascarilla se anuncia como un dupe de la mascarilla de labos de Laneige, con un empaque y fórmula similares. He probado ambas mascarillas y los resultados son muy parecidos. Sin embargo, esta no tiene aplicador de espátula, lo que la vuelve un poco menos higiénica. 

 Well, this is basically it. Like I said, I use a few sheet masks or rinse out masks, every two weeks or so, just to give it an extra boost. Have any questions? Comments? Leave them below and I'll answer ASAP

Esto es básicamente todo. Como dije, en ocasiones utilizo sheet masks o mascarillas enjuagables, cada quince dias aproximadamente, sólo para darle un extra de nutrición. ¿Preguntas? ¿Comentarios? Dejenlos debajo y contestare lo antes posible.

Review: Peripera Airy Ink Foundation

Greetings everyone! Today I'll be reviewing Peripera's Airy Ink Foundation. I've been wanting to get my hands on it since forever and finally managed to purchase it. (Thanks, Xmas bonus) 
Peripera Airy Ink Foundation Beige 2 I've been using Holika Holika's Holi Pop Matte BB Cream for my everyday look, and quite content with it, since BB creams are on the lighter side of make up and that suits my purposes, but I did want a spare foundation for special occasions and what not, and after the complete fiasco that was Revlon Colorstay's Combination Oily Foundation, which I bought just to try something non-AB for a change, I decided I'd just stick to what already works for me haha. I've been asking for recommendations on my favourite AsianBeauty subreddit for matte foundations, and got tempted by quite a few, so a hurricane of reviews is coming soon huehuehue, but this is the first one I chose. 

Hola a todos! El día de hoy haré un review de la base Airy Ink Foundation de Peripera. He querido probarla desde hace mucho y por fin la compré. (Gracias, bono de Navidad) 
He estado utilizando la BB Cream Holi Pop Matte de Holika Holika para mi arreglo diario, y estoy contentísima con ella, ya que las BB creams son muy ligeras y eso me encanta, pero necesitaba una base más fuerte para ocasiones especiales, y después del fiasco que resultó la base para rostro mixto y graso Revlon Colorstay que decidí comprar para probar algo que no fuera asiático, definitivamente fue debut y despedida y mejor regresé a lo que ya se que funciona. He estado pidiendo mas recomendaciones de bases mate en mi subreddit favorito de AsianBeauty, y se me han antojado varias, así que un huracán de reviews viene en camino, pero esta fue la primera que elegí.

peripera airy ink foundation beige 2So first things first, packaging. it's elegant and sleek as you can see, featuring a pump dispenser (which I love compared to my Holi Pop BB, since it's a lot more hygienic) and a smooth frosted glass finish. I bought mine in Beige (2) which as you can see from the swatch, it has a slightly yellow undertone, which goes perfectly with my skin. 
Pues primero lo primero, el empaque. Es elegante y sencillo como se puede apreciar, tiene dispensador de bomba, (lo cual me encanta en comparación con mi Holi Pop BB, ya que creo que es mas higiénico) y un acabado de cristal esmerilado. Compré la mía en el tono Beige (2), que como pueden ver en el swatch, tiene un fondo ligeramente amarillo que va perfecto con mi piel. 

Let's move on to the issue at stake: Performance. The first thing I noticed about this foundation is how light it feels on the skin, after blending it, it felt almost as if I had no make up whatsoever. The coverage is on the lighter side of things, which I didn't love because in this case I was looking for something stronger, but you can build it up without issues, since it's VERY blendable. I had heard from one of my fellow Asian Beauty redditors, that this foundation would set on her every pore and line, which made me expect a similar result,  but that wasn't my case at all, it settled to a nice powdery satin finish, I sealed my T-Zone with my Etude House Dear Girls Be Clear Pact, since my combo skin can give me issues on that area but did not apply powder anywhere else since the foundation didn't even seem to need it. I decided not to use any concealer just to test the actual coverage of the foundation which was nice, but as you can see in my picture, my dark circles were a b it visible underneath, so I don't recommend skipping on the concealer if you're looking for a full coverage look. 
Vamos entonces a lo que nos interesa: El desempeño. Lo primero que noté acerca de esta base, es lo ligera que se siente sobre la piel, la sentía casi como si no trajera maquillaje. La cobertura es más bien ligera, cosa que no me encantó porque en este caso si buscaba algo más fuerte, pero puedes aplicar mas capas sin problema ya que se difumina MUY fácil. Una de mis co-redditoras de Asian Beauty, había comentado que esta base había hecho muy notorio cada poro y línea de su rostro, por lo que había anticipado un resultado similar, pero no fue mi caso en absoluto, la base dejó un acabado satinado tipo polvo, sellé mi zona T con mi polvo compacto Dear Girls Be Clear de Etude House, ya que mi piel mixta suele darme problemas en esa área, pero no apliqué polvo en el resto de mi rostro ya que la base ni siquiera parecía necesitarlo. Decidí no utilizar ningún tipo de corrector extra para probar la verdadera cobertura, que es bastante buena, pero como se ve en mi fotografía, mis ojeras seguían siendo un poco visibles, así que no recomiendo usarla sin correctores si se busca una cobertura total. 

On to the next aspect: Durability. The foundation stayed perfect for around 6 hours, and then needed a few touch ups with my pact powder, but all in all it still looked pretty decent by the end of the day. I did notice it faded quicker on my chin area, since it's usually more oily than the rest of my face, but in general, it does last for quite a bit. 
Pasemos al siguiente aspecto: Durabilidad. La base permaneció perfecta por alrededor de 6 horas, después comenzó a necesitar retoques con mi polvo compacto pero en general lucía bastante decente al final del día. Noté que se desvaneció mucho más rapido en mi barbilla, ya que esa zona es especialmente grasosa en mi rostro, pero realmente si dura bastante. 

Final Scores/ Puntaje Final

Coverage/ Cobertura: 7/10
Finish/Acabado: 9/10
Durability/Durabilidad: 8/10
Blendability/ Fácil difuminado: 10/10
Feeling on the skin/Sensación en la piel: 10/10 

 Repurchase?: Yes, but it definitely won't be the full coverage foundation I was looking for
¿Volvería a comprarla?: Si, pero en definitiva no es la base de cobertura completa que buscaba

Review: Tonymoly Panda's Dream White Sleeping Pack

I've been wanting to make this review for a while now, but I have to confess I had been rather neglectful on the proper use of this product and I didn't feel it would be honest enough before. Finally I've committed and used this for every single day (or shall I say night?) during the past 3 months and here are my conclusions: 

Había querido hacer esta review desde hace un tiempo, pero confieso que había sido un tanto negligente en la aplicación apropiada del producto y no sentía que sería una review honesta. Finalmente me comprometí y he estado usando este producto diariamente durante los pasados 3 meses y estas son mis conclusiones: 

Panda's Dream by TonyMoly's main concern is whitening and evening skin tone, removing from dark circles to skin spots and discolorations. I decided to give this sleeping pack a try because I have a weakness for cute packaging and this is cute AF indeed. Also, because I have freckles and I hoped this would help. You can barely see them because I cover them with my usual BB Cream, and also because they have indeed faded a little ever since I use this pack.

Panda's Dream de TonyMoly, es una linea diseñada para uniformar el tono de la piel, desde remover ojeras hasta manchas en el rostro o discoloraciones. Decidí probar esta mascarilla nocturna porque tengo debilidad por los empaques lindos, y este es rejodidamente tierno. Además porque tengo pecas, y esperaba que esto ayudara. Apenas se notan porque suelo cubrirlas con mi BB cream usual, y porque en efecto si se han desvanecido desde que uso la mascarilla.

It comes in a little blueish panda bear, the content is not as plentiful as I expected, most of the size is due to the cute packaging actually, but a little goes a long way so I don't mind. It has a delicious smell, a little herbal but with a hint of banana bubblegum. It has a light creamy texture. I had read it wasn't exactly recommended for oily skin, but my combination skin responded wonderfully. You are supposed to apply it and rinse it the next morning, which I don't mind because I wash my face both morning and evening. I applied it right after my toner and my Missha's First Treatment Essence, and went off to bed. Next morning, my face felt EXTREMELY soft even without rinsing it. It did feel slightly more oily, but nothing too extreme. After I rinsed it, my skin kept the softness from before but I didn't see any of the brightening and whitening effects immediately. I've been using it for 3 months now, and my freckles have definitely lightened up a bit, not entirely, but then again freckles rarely disappear completely due to genetic factors. Overall I'm really pleased, so here's the final score. 

Moisturizing: 10
Softness: 10
Brightening: 9
Packaging: 10
Smell: 10 
Repurchase? I'm curious to try TooCoolForSchool Pumpkin Sleeping Pack, but since I've liked this so much, unless there's an unexpected TooCoolForSchool sale, absolutely YES. 

La mascarilla viene en un osito panda de color azulado, el contenido no es tanto como yo esperaba, la mayor parte del tamaño se debe al empaque lindo, pero es bastante rendidora, entonces no me molesta. Tiene un aroma delicioso, un tanto herbal, pero un poco como de chicle de plátano. Es una textura cremosa ligera. Había leído que no se recomienda mucho para pieles grasas, pero mi piel mixta respondió maravillosamente. Se supone que debe aplicarse despues del lavado facial nocturno y enjuagar en la mañana, lo cual no me molesta porque lavo mi cara mañana y noche. Yo la apliqué después de mi tónico y mi esencia Missha First Treatment Essence, y me fui a dormir. A la mañana siguiente mi cara se sentía EXTREMADAMENTE suave aún antes de enjuagarla. Si se sentía un poquito mas grasosa, pero nada extremo. Después del enjuague,mi rostro mantenía la suavidad pero no noté ningún efecto inmediato de luminosidad o aclarado. La he usado ya por 3 meses y mis pecas definitivamente se han aclarado, no completamente pero finalmente, es muy raro que las pecas se desaparezcan del todo por razones genéticas. En general estoy muy complacida. Este es el score final: 

Hidratación:  10
Suavidad: 10
Aclarado/luminosidad: 9
Empaque: 10
Aroma: 10
¿Compraría de nuevo? Tengo curiosidad de probar el sleeping pack de Pumpkin de TooCoolForSchool, pero este me ha gustado tantísimo, que a menos que pongan en oferta inesperadamente el de TooCoolForSchool, definitivamente lo compraré de nuevo. 

Review: TooCoolForSchool Artclass Contour by Rodin

Hello everyone! Today I'll be making a review for this amazing palette that I have been wanting to try for the longest time, and since I finished my Etude House V-Line Shaper and Play 101 contour stick, this was the perfect time to try it. It's by TooCoolForSchool, its a lovely contour palette in powder which I prefer strongly over cream based contour products, I think powders look a little more natural and defined. I never actually do exreme contouring, I just work my nose a little bit and slender my jawline for a more V shaped visage.

¡Hola a todxs! El día de hoy haré un review de esta increíble paleta que he querido probar desde hace mucho y dado que ya me termine mi paleta V-Line Shaper y mi stick para contorno Play 101 de Etude House, este era el momento perfecto para probarla. Es de TooCoolForSchool, es una preciosa paleta para contornos en polvo, los cuales me gustan mucho mas que los productos para contorno en crema, creo que los polvos quedan más naturales y definidos. En realidad nunca hago nada de contouring extremo, sólo trabajo un poco mi nariz y defino mi quijada para un rostro más en V.

So, first things first: Packaging. I have never seen a cosmetic with such an amazing detail and love put into the packaging (except for some of Benefit's kits, perhaps). It comes in a nice artsy box, which promises to tell the story behind the product inside, but that one, I'll never find out, since I'm not about to tear it apart. Perhaps when I repurchase, but until then, I will never know.  It also came extra protected in an amazing brown and thin paper sheet with a decal reading "Rodin". 

Así que, primero lo primero: El empaque. Nunca había visto un cosmético con tantos detalle y amor puesto en el empaque (excepto algunos de los kits de Benefit, quizá) Viene en una linda cajita muy artsy, que promete contarnos la historia detrás del producto adentro, pero esa, nunca la averiguaré, ya que en definitiva no voy a desarmarla para leerla. Quizá cuando vuelva a comprarla, pero hasta entonces nunca lo sabré. También venia extra protegido con una hojita de papel delgada marron con una calcomanía que lee "Rodin"
The plastic packaging doesn't feel super sturdy, but I guess its not meant to be a take along item, but a vanity based one. It comes in 3 shades of brown, all pretty neutral based, maybe just a little more on the yellow undertone side. 

El empaque plástico no se siente super resistente, pero supongo que no está supuesto a ser un artículo para llevar en el bolso, si no mas bien un aditamento fijo en el tocador o en nuestro cajón. Viene en 3 tonos de café, todos de fondo muy neutral, si acaso tiene un poquitito mas de fondo amarillo. 

Regarding pigmentation, it is quite high, but still looks really natural and I had to do practically no blending at all, I just gave quick sweeping over with my kabuki brush and that's all.
En cuanto a la pigmentación, es bastante alta pero queda sumamente natural y no hay casi que hacer prácticamente nada de difuminado, sólo di un par de barridos con mi brocha kabuki y eso fue todo. 

Here´s an example on how contouring with this palette looks. This was made for my soon to be uploaded video for my Lana del Rey Make Up transformation, so I did have to resort to some extreme contouring mainly around the nose, mouth and chin in order to get that lovely softly dimpled chin, those extra puffy lips and perfect upwards nose. In spite of being a heavy contour job, I think it looks super natural once it settles in. I applied my usual face routine (Primer, BB Cream and HD powder) before the contouring.

Aquí dejo un ejemplo de como luce el  visagismo realizado con esta paleta. Este fue hecho para mi próximo video de mi transformación de Lana del Rey, por lo que si tuve que recurrir a algo de visagismo extremo principalmente cerca de la nariz, barbilla y boca para obtener esa barbilla ligeramente partida, sus labios extra carnosos y perfecta nariz respingada. A pesar de ser un trabajo de visagismo pesado, creo que se ve super natural una vez que se asienta. Apliqué mi rutina usual (primer, BB Cream y polvo HD) antes de realizar el visagismo

So, final results: 

Pros: Easy blending, 3 tones for detailed sculpting, lovely package, amazing pigmentation
Cons: Frail packaging, the shades are only fit for fair and light skin, I don't think they'd be too visible on tan/dark skin. It has only shading colours, so no light/dark combo like Etude House's V-Line Shaper

Packaging: 10
Staying power: 9
Pigmentation: 10
Easy blending: 10
Repurchase?: Most definitely, this is amazing

Resultados finales:

Pros: Difuminado fácil, tiene 3 tonos para escultura detallada, empaque precioso, increíble pigmentación.
Contras. El empaque parece un poco frágil, y los tonos sólo funcionarian bien en pieles medias y claras, no creo que se noten para nada en pieles bronceadas/oscuras. Sólo tiene colores para sombreado, a diferencia del V-Line Shaper de Etude House que si es un combo de  iluminador y contour.
Empaque: 10
Duración: 9
Pigmentación: 10
Difuminado fácil. 10
¿Compraría de nuevo? Definitivamente, es increíble.

Review: RiRe Lip Manicure HighFix

Hello everyone, today I'll be reviewing RiRe's Lip Manicures in Pink Brown, although I hope to get my hands on the other shades to test. If you're in México, you can get them at or at RiRe's official website everywhere else. 

Hola a todos, el día de hoy estaré haciendo review del Lip Manicure de RiRe en tono Pink Brown, aunque espero comprarme todos los demas tonos muy pronto. Si estás en México, estos puedes encontrarlos en o en el sitio oficial de RiRe en el resto del mundo. 

I came to these, when searching for matte long lasting liquid lipsticks. I've been using all korean brands for both my skincare and make up for some time, but sadly, I haven't found anything like me beloved matte liquid lipsticks, like Colourpop's Mattes or Kat Von D Everlastings. I know lip tints are pretty much the same regarding both stain and lasting power, but the colour selection is rather small usually (only from 3 to 5 shades at best) and tints are rather translucent which doesn't particularly make me rave. I had stuck with Berrisom Oops My Lip Tint Pack in Dear Coral for some time, and then with Missha's Velvet Gradation in Macaron Pink but wasn't entirely happy. Therefore, I went on to my faithful Asian Beauty forum in Reddit and finally found the answer to my prayers. Someone suggested CLIO's Lipncures, and RiRe's Lip Manicures, stating that, having tried out both, she completely vouched for RiRe's on both colour selection, comfort and lasting power. 

Supe de estos cuando buscaba labiales liquidos mate de alta duración. He estado usando únicamente marcas coreanas para el cuidado de la piel y mi maquillaje por bastante tiempo, pero tristemente, no había encontrado nada parecido a mis amados labiales mate como los de Colourpop o los Everlasting de Kat Von D. Sé que las tintas coreanas son básicamente lo mismo en cuanto a duración y nivel de pigmentación, pero la selección de color es bastante pequeña por lo general (sólo de 3 a 5 colores si tienes suerte) y las tintas suelen ser además de color traslúcido, cosa que no me encanta. Me había mantenido usando el tono Dear Coral de Berrisom Oops My Lip Tint Pack, y después la tinta Velvet Gradation de Missha en tono Macaron Pink pero no estaba del todo contenta. Entonces, acudí a mi fiel foro de Asian Beauty en Reddit y encontré la respuesta a mis rezos. Alguien me sugirió los Lipncures de CLIO y los Lip Manicure de RiRe, afirmando que después de haber probado ambos, ella avalaba del todo los de RiRe tanto en selección de color, comodidad y durabilidad.
So there I went on searching for them. I went straight to RiRe's official global website, and... 15 USD? That seemed kind of steep considering it surely was that price plus shipping and handling. It was still cheaper than Kat Von D's Everlastings (those are around 20-25USD+shipping at Sephora) and cheaper than Clio's Lipnicures (19USD+shipping at ClubClio's official website) So it was a no brainer for me to pick between Clio's and RiRe's, because hey, who doesn't love saving money?   -

Así pues, me puse a buscarlos. Fui directamente al sitio oficial de RiRe Korea y... ¿15 dólares? Me parecía un poquito alto considerando que seguramente era ese precio mas envío y demás. Aún así, era mas barato que los Everlasting de Kat Von D (20-25 dólares mas envío en Sephora) y también era mas barato que los Lipnicures de Clio (19USD+envío en la página oficial de Club Clio) Así que no fue dificil escoger entre comprar los de Clio o los de RiRe porque... ¿a quién no nos gusta ahorrar un poco?

It was more expensive than Colourpop (6-8 USD + shipping) but I thought well, let's go for it, I've wasted more in make up that turned out to have exceptionally bad quality *cough*M.A.C.*cough* so... what's to lose really?

Era mas caro que Colourpop (6-8 dólares + envío) pero pensé "Venga, vamos a probar, he gastado más dinero en maquillaje que resultó ser malísimo" *cofcof¨* M.A.C.*cofcof* "asi que.. ¿Qué pierdo realmente?"

I saw some other "retail" online stores carrying them for a lower pricer, but that I just don't trust that, maybe they are fake, because hey, the official website had a quite different price, and I just like to play it safe, so I was content with paying a few extra bucks buying straight from RiRe's.  I made my order and... hurray! I got it in around 3 weeks 

Ví que otras tiendas en línea de multimarcas los tenían un poquito más baratos, pero eso me da desconfianza, quizá son clones porque, hey, la página oficial tiene un precio muy diferente, así que prefiero ir a la segura, y estoy tranquila aunque pague unos dolares más ordenando de RiRe. Hice mi orden y ¡Hurra! Llegó en aproximadamente 3 semanas

The day comes, it finally arrives and what inmediatly hits me is the size of the bottle.. It seems really small, although is really plump and elegant just like a nail enamel. I was starting to wonder how long will this little bottle would last, but then I compared the actual contents to Kat Von D's Everlasting's and found out it's not much of a difference. RiRe's Lip Manicure contains 3.7 gr and Kat Von D's contains 4.8 gr. So we're good, the bottle just tricked me! So I go on, and open it to apply it for the first time in my clean coloured lips. I immediatly notice it smells exactly like Kat Von D's Everlastings and then... I immediatly realized I did not like the aplicator that much. The flat arrow-ish shape gives an amazing colour distribution, which I loved, but the plastic stem is EXTREMELY short, so I had to be more careful than usual when applying the colour. As I applied it, fascination started to build up upon my face. The colour is almost an exact dupe for Kat Von D's Lolita, which is my KVD's favourite shade of all time. It looks a little lighter in this picture, but the picture below shows the colour a little better. 

Finalmente, llega el dia de la entrega e inmediatamente me fijo en el tamaño de la botella. Parecía ser muy pequeña, aunque era anchita y redonda, tal y como una botella de esmalte de uñas. Empecé a preguntarme cuanto me duraría esta pequeña botella, pero realicé una comparación del contenido con los Everlasting de Kat Von D y descubrí que no había mucha diferencia. El Lip Manicurre contiene 3.7 gramos y el Everlasting contiene 4.8, así que no hay problema, la botella es simplemente engañosa. Así pues, la abrí para aplicar por primera vez sobre mis labios y de inmediato noté que huele exactamente igual que los de KVD, y al instante me di cuenta de que no me gustaba mucho el aplicador. La forma de flechita plana que tiene, distribuye preciosamente el color y eso me encanta, pero el vástago plástico es EXTREMADAMENTE corto, entonces tuve que ser más cuidadosa de lo usual al aplicar el color.  Mientras aplicaba, la fascinación se apoderó de mi rostro. El color es casi un dupe exacto del tono Lolita de Kat Von D, que es mi tono favorito de KVD en la historia de la humanidad. Se vé ligeramente mas claro la foto de arriba, pero en la fotografía de al lado, el color se ve un poco mejor.

That day I decided to behave and eat normally to properly test the lasting power. I was at my shop, I had some breakfast and the colour remained intact. After that, I ordered some chicken wings (yes, the most fatty and messiest food ever) for dinner, and... the colour was still there after I finished. Not entirely intact, but still a decent amount of overall color. This was the cherry on top of this lipstick:  My new lipstick Holy Grail, has arrived, I thought. 

Ese dia decdí comporartme y comer con normalidad para realmetente evaluar la durabilidad. Estuve en mi tienda, desayuné y el color permaneció intacto. Después de eso, pedí alitas a domicilio (si, la comida mas grasosa y desordenada de todas) y... el color seguía ahí cuando terminé. No completamente intacto, pero aún con una cantidad de color general bastante decente. Esta fue la cereza en el pastel: Mi nuevo Santo Grial de los labiales, ha llegado, pensé.

Also I was amazed of how great it looks, even on slightly chapped lips (I forgot to use a lip scrub prior to application), in contrast to KVD and Colourpop, that did usually appear patchy or dryish if I didn't scrub my lips first. I should have done it anyway. Lip scrubbing its a must when dealing with matte lip colours, but hell, even I'm lazy sometimes. 

También me impactó lo genial que luce incluso aplicado sobre labios ligeramente secos y descarapelados (olvidé exfoliar mis labios antes de la aplicación) en contraste con KVD y Colourpop, que con mas frecuencia lucían resecos o irregulares si no había exfoliado mis labios. Sé que debí haberlo hecho de todos modos. El exfoliado de labios es obligatorio cuando se trata de colores mate, pero diablos, hasta yo soy floja a veces.

So my general impressions: I've been using this for around 2 weeks now and I'm absolutely in love. The colour, the velvety consistency, everything is great about it except for the short applicator issue. I already ordered a bunch of these in the same colour because I'm sure this will be a long time favourite. 

Final rating 

Pigmentation: 10
Lasting power: 10 
Application: 6 (Damn you, short stem!)
Texture: 10 
Comfort: 9 
Overal rating: 9 

Repurchase?: Till the end of time <3

Mis impresiones generales: He estado utilizandolo por 2 semanas y estoy completamente enamorada. El color, la textura aterciopelada, todo es genial acerca de el, excepto el detalle del aplicador cortito. Y pedí mas de estos en el mismo color, porque estoy segura que será de mis favoritos para siempre

Rating final

Pigmentación: 10
Duración: 10 
Aplicación: 6 (Te maldito, vástago corto) 
Textura: 10
Comodidad: 9
Promedio final: 9

¿Volvería a comprar? Si, hasta que se acabe el mundo <3 

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